

Candy Gurl

Deady Bear


Maul Doll

Cyborg thing, doesn't have an origin at this point. Actually might have been the first one created? If she was, it was before the idea of having a group of characters.

Resident Psycho. Has no name as of this point. Or anything really. Entire personality is being hopped up on sugar.

Deady was either the first or last original member created (I think she was the first). She's always been headstrong and loud and has bear motifs.

Wolfgurl (god, why did I spell things like that) was the moody, secretive dark-haired-girl to Deady's short, loud brunette. I swear I'm trying to get all the characterization I can but these were purely aesthetic characters for like two years.

A more controlled psycho. Apparently has the physical strength to break someone's arm at 14.

Annalhiese Lee
Actually got a backstory! From what I remember she was turned into a cyborg by Bossgirl and slowly started to remember her old life. Also at some point was romantically involved with a character from an entirely different verse (Vane, roleplay ocs #1) for No Reason.

Bossgirl / Exie Lee
The mysterious leader of the GUESS organization and the creator of Annalhiese. I don't know if she was supposed to be an antagonist (well let's be reasonable I didn't even know what 'technical writing' meant).

Candy Gurl / ????
She had a couple tentative names but I never had them stored online so I don't know them. Her personality didn't change much but what did change was the lens I guess under which I was percieving her? She also got a frying pan as her main weapon instead of this odd axe.

Deady Bear / Lauren Dowse
First character to be named I think. She shifted away from the pink themes and her designated color became green instead. I don't know when the ponytail became a thing but it never left. Miriam got to have a hat instead of actual ears but Lauren just lost hers. Whatever. Also became an Improvised Explosive Devices fan.

Wolf Woman / Miriam Trey
You see, by this point, having two characters with the 'gurl' suffix was a big no-no so instead I went for the most stilted name I could think of. By now, the idea was that GUESS was a real organization recruiting young girl to commit petty crimes (???) instead of just the idea of a #girlgang.

Maim Dame / Trice Mick
Created in the 2019 era of names mentally generated letter by letter and Gacha Life. I think she was a concept during G1 but never got created until later. Sisters with Vex.

Maul Doll / Vex Mick
I'll be honest I don't know if she changed at all during this era or even got that much attention. We've already got a psycho blonde and a blonde with purple gradients in her hair, do we need any others? Ummm... Sisters with Trice.

Annabelle 'Annie' Lena Lee, 18. Largely unemotional bestie of Rex. Ultimate initiator of The Event.
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Celia Eden Robins, 15. Full of nervous energy and love for her friends. Mean Ukrainian feminist.
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Lauren Abby Dowse, 16. Smart about building bombs and inflating her word count on essays. Dumb about thrill seeking and about her best friend.
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Alexie McAdams, 16. Used to be so angry at everyone, reluctantly holds her temper close to herself now.
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Lucia McAdams, 18. Socially perceptive (for better or worse) protective older sister.
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Marielle Trey, 17. Thinks it's funny to look as miserable as possible in every photo taken of her. Well-trained on speaking only to fill in the gaps when Lauren's catching her breath. The worst gamer posture you've ever seen.

Reyes O'Hara, 19. The crux of The Event and the person it came back to bite. Also the originator of the friend group in the first place. Best friend of Annie.